7 Cities work collaboratively on several fronts to support an end to homelessness:
​Advance policy solutions to end homelessness with government partners.
Knowledge development and dissemination with Alberta and national peers to advance an end to homelessness.
Supporting the professional development of Alberta's homeless-serving leaders and front-line workers.
​Service excellence and program development to ensure continuous improvement.
Each of the 7 Cities undertakes the following roles in their respective communities:
1. System Planning & Integration
Lead the implementation of local plans to end homelessness;
Advance system integration with public systems to support an end to homelessness;
Ensure the needs of the local community are addressed in planning and implementation, and that local leadership, services, and community members are engaged in ending homelessness;
Monitor, evaluate and report on progress of local plans;
Engage, design, implement, and coordinate the local homeless-serving system, including program design and development;
Implement and operate the local homeless management information system;
Foster relationships and collaboration with key government and community stakeholders.
2. Funding & Performance Management
Manage diverse funding streams to meet community priorities and targets, compliance, monitoring, and reporting requirements to funders;
Ensure comprehensive outcomes measurement, program monitoring and quality assurance processes are in place;
Implement and support the uptake of service quality standards for programs within the homeless-serving system.
Align funding to maximize community impact.
3. Knowledge Leadership & Innovation
Implement innovative program and adaptations, particularly Housing First, to meet local needs leveraging existing and new resources;
Ensure research supports the implementation of the local plan and share best practices at regional and national levels;
Mobilize knowledge and research to support agencies, peers and public policy makers in the execution of their roles;
Champion homelessness issues in the local community, but also provincially, nationally and internationally;
Consult and engage with diverse stakeholders to support plan implementation;
Implement capacity building initiatives, including training and technical assistance across the homeless-serving sector.